Sunday, December 6, 2009


Grief is about life, not about death. Those that grieve are still alive. A person's understanding of death affects how they grieve for the deceased. Many people are afraid of dying and afraid of pain, and some think GOD punishes us which of course, is not true.

It all comes down to, TRUSTING GOD AND HIS PROMISES. Sometimes, people say they trust God but then are asking WHY did this happen.God must not love us as he said. Some people trust God as long as it is safe, feels good, and doesn't require any trust on their part and everything is going according to the way they think it should. When GOD follows His own plan for our lives, we don't understand and we can't tell what is going to happen and we get scared. Then we realize we really weren't trusting Him. Some people then decide that is too hard because they can't handle what they can't control.

On our own understanding, there are many things we cannot handle. We can only handle it when we LET GO and give it ALL to God to handle for us. Jesus is our Savior and died on the cross to save us. He sent the Holy SPirit to guide us on this path of the unknown in our lives. He is our comforter and loves us. We just need to ask for guidance and direction everyday as we start anew and ask what we may do this day to please God and help someone else along the way. When we help others, God in turn helps and heals us.

We all miss our love ones when they die because they are no longer with us and we can't hug them and kiss them. They are in GOd's care and we, still living, still have a life to lead here and things to do for the Lord. God has a purpose for each of our lives and we don't have to see the whole picture-We just have to Trust God for today. We are in His Care and He loves us beyond all understanding. He Promises Eternal Life with HIM.