Monday, March 16, 2009

Eddie Wayne Presley Jr.

Eddie was our third child born at Holloman Air Force Base. The doctor was having a cookout and had to come to the hospital on the weekend to deliver. He was in a hurry to get back to his cookout. He thought he needed to induce labor and did. That meant being in hard labor in just minutes, but I wasn't in labor a long time and everything went fine. He had the longest feet his dad had ever seen, and his head looked like I sat on his forehead the whole time I carried him, which was true. I carried Eddie very low, but, his head filled out all nice and round and he grew into those long feet. His breast bone stuck out and the doctor said he was going to be tall with a big chest and one day would grow into the big chest bone. Eddie was a easy going baby and child. He didn't mind taking it easy in his bed when I had to fix supper. He was happy entertaining himself sometimes. He was allergic to whole milk and had to drink special milk for a long time. Eddie was happy happy most of the time. He learned to walk around a year old. Sheila had not walked up until the time Eddie came home from the hospital. That day, she stood up and walked across the room. She wasn't exactly happy with a new baby in the house. She use to get can goods out of the cabinet and throw them in the playpen on Eddie. I had to put all the cans up high so she couldn't get them. I think she was trying to finish Eddie off. Who knows, but everything turned out fine. And we moved to Patrick Air Force Base, Florida.

Eddie Jr. At Four Months

Eddie Jr. 1 1/2 Years Old
Eddie Jr. New Born
Eddie Jr. New Born
Eddie Jr. New Born And Mushy
Eddie Jr. And Gloria
Eddie Jr. And Eddie Sr.

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