Saturday, February 21, 2009

Daddy's Riding Mower

Our Daddy was always doing something funny. He had this big riding mower. We lived on a hill on a lake. One day, we were watching TV and Daddy decided to mow. He made a few ride bys on the lake side of the house. The next thing you know, our TV goes blank. Daddy had run down the guide wires holding up the antenna and the law mower had bucked up in the air and dumped Daddy off. We could see the big old lawn mower high tailing it down the hill. Daddy kept yelling, No, No, Stop, but the mower didn't stop until it ran down the hill right into the lake and sank. Daddy was running behind it waving his arms to stop. That was good for Saturday morning entertainment. Who needed the TV when you could watch Daddy?

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