Sunday, February 1, 2009

Rotten Oranges

When we were growing up in the grove house, we were tom boys. Diane was the oldest and was able to go on dates. Late one Saturday afternoon before her date, we decided to have a rotten orange war. You set up fruit picking boxes and load them up with rotten oranges that you could find on the ground. Then you get behind the boxes, which acted as your fort. We were probably 15 or 30 feet apart looking at each other. Then you start throwing your oranges at each other. When you run out, you had to leave your fort and run out and get more. During that time, the other guy could really hit you with a load of rotten oranges. Her hair was a horrible mess of rotten oranges. She had to go in and wash her hair and take another bath for her date. But, we did that at least two or three times during picking season. IT was fun.

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