Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Expecting a Call

God has a great purpose for each one of us. There is a call from God on your life and mine. The question is, will we listen to find out what it is?

We can be in the dark about the call of God on our lives for two reasons: either we have not heard God’s call and we’re living as though we have, or we have heard God’s call and we’re living as though we have not.

I’ve seen many people who were too busy, too tired, too preoccupied, or too in pursuit of riches and fame to hear God calling them .Others were afraid they might be called to insignificance and so they didn’t want to know about it. I’ve known others who clearly heard the call from God and ran away from it. The direct line from heaven was ringing and they turned up the volume on their lives so they wouldn’t have to hear God and answer. I’ve also known people with such a low opinion of themselves that they didn’t believe God had them destined for anything great. So when the call came, they thought it must be for someone else and didn’t respond.

The only reason it may appear that some people are more called by God than others is that they were expecting the call and answered it.

In the early days of telephones, people had party lines. Several households were on the same phone line and anyone in any of those households could pick up the phone and listen in on your conversation. This meant that by afternoon there might be many different opinions and interpretations of the conversation you had that morning.

Receiving God’s call does not happen that way. God’s line to you is not a party line. You won’t hear conflicting opinions. His call is entirely personal and private and He will speak to you about it.

The Bible says that God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. When God issues a call, He doesn’t take it back. He only waits for us to move into it. Therefore, as long as we are seeking Him, we can never be such a lost cause that His call on our lives is no longer applicable.

All of us share certain calls on our lives. For example, we are all called to partake of God’s divine nature, we are called to His eternal glory and we are called to bless others. But we are individually called according to His own purpose. In other words, He has a specific calling for each one of us.

In order to hear God’s call, you must be expecting a call. In other words, you need faith that He will speak to you, that you can hear Him, and that it will be good news. Say, “I have set the Lord always before me, and expect to hear His voice.’ When an encounter with the living God is your greatest desire, you can be sure you will have it.

This is from the “The Power of a Praying Woman Bible" by Stormie Omartian “From Stormie’s heart”.

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