Monday, February 2, 2009

Our Last Vacation While In Ohio

Our whole family decided to go on vacation one summer. We went to Virginia and West Virginia. It was fun. The West Virginia mountains are straight down. We almost burned up our brakes by constantly having to ride the brakes all the way down. One night, we went up in the mountains and saw the outdoor play called the Hatfields and Mccoys. We also went into some caves and saw all the rock formations. We spent some time in a motel around the Shenendoah Valley. The Amuish were all around in their horsedrawn wagons. I talked to some of them. One boy said they kept milk in a big barrel in the barn. They are neat. I think we were gone about 10 days. There was a swimming pool with the motel we stayed in. I think it was a Bob Evans resturant. Anyway, it was nice spending time together.

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