Friday, February 6, 2009

Night Riding

When I was attending Jones Business School in Orlando, I had some girlfriends who would always look for something fun to do together. So one weekend, we made plan to go to a horse ranch out on the edge of town and go for a night ride. You could arrange for this on a moonlit night. We also arranged for this at a time when Cape Canaveral was going to launch a missle. You could see that from the woods on the ranch.

So about 7 of us arrive for our ride time, and to our delight, this real cute young kid took us for a ride. We all relaxed when he let us walk the horses at first, and just follow his lead horse. We were carrying on and acting silly. The farther away we got from the ranch, the darker it got. Thank goodness for the moon light. The horses knew where they were going but we didn't. We didn't know the way back either. We watched the missle go up at the Cape and then the guide decided it was time to have some fun. He knew the horses knew their way back to the barn. So he yelled something and then told us to hang on because we were heading home. Running through the dark was breathe taking. I think I totally lost my breathe. I would shut my eyes, then remember I better look where I was going because the land wasn't just flat. We made it back and no one fell off. The kid had a ball and thought it was fun to scare us half to death, but after it was all said and done, we were ready to do it again another night. I had ridden horses before when I lived on my father's grove. My neighbor girlfriend would come over and we rode bareback a lot during the summer. So I did okay on our night ride. That is more fun than going swimming in a fresh water lake at night. We also did that some. Going skinny dipping is also fun.

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