Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fishing On Star Lake

When Eddie and I were dating, we fished before we went on dates. Eddie would drive out to Alturas to where I lived on Star Lake. We would walk down to the lake and fish for fresh water bass for an hour or so at sundown and then go on a date in Bartow. I really enjoyed those times.

One day, at sundown, we decided to take Daddy's little John boat across the lake and fish along the bank. We had Daddy's tackle box full of his favorite fishing tackles. It was starting to get dark, so we decided to pack up and get in the boat and go back across the lake. We were out a little ways from shore and tried to get in the boat. Well, I managed to dump the open tackle box into the water and flip that stupid little boat to where there was a lot of water in it. At first, I was so upset, we had to get all Daddy's tackle in the boat before it became totally dark. It floated, thank goodness. But then, the boat had too much water in it for us to get in the boat and paddle back across the lake to the house. So with all the tackle floating in the boat with the water, we hung on to the boat and swam back across the lake. We were happy that we didn't lose the boat or Daddy's fishing tackle.

When we arrived back, we started to haul everything up the hill to the house. Mother came out and didn't believe our story. She said we were across the lake making out and she sent Eddie home and I was grounded for a week. If only she would have actually listened to us once in a while, she would have appreciated the fact of how we rescued Daddy's fishing tackle, every little piece, and that it was a funny experience. Making out was the farthest most thing from our minds. Teenagers have it hard sometimes when parents believe the worst and won't listen to the facts.

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